What To Do When…

…you accidentally spill water on the handwritten card for your suitemate from her boyfriend.

So, this evening Gretchen received a call from Michael, our suitemate Beth’s boyfriend, requesting her presence in North Lobby. Several minutes later she returned to our room with one giant vase of red roses and a handwritten card… which was 12 roses, a vase, and a card more than she left with.  Per Michael’s request she attempted to better arrange the flowers.  FAIL. After deciding she was just making things worse, she decided to just go put the flowers on Beth’s desk.  It was at this moment that she realized she had accidentally dripped water on, and effectively ruined, Michael’s card.


Okay, so maybe ruined is a bit of an exaggeration, but we felt bad about the whole thing.  We tried to put it in the flowers to hide the mark, but that just looked stupid.  It was at this point that we decided fraud was our only option.

So… here’s a step by step break down of how to best cover up a mistake such as this:

1. Gather materials; similar paper (cut to size), red sharpie, desk lamp, medium sized piece of glass

2. Rig up a tracing station:


3. Trace new card:



4. Take picture with both cards, proving striking similarity, and thus your uncanny ability to commit fraud.  Comment that you could probably “make counterfeit money really well” after this experience.

(Notice the missing picture from the wall behind Gretchen… that was the source of the glass.)

5. Place card with flowers on suitemate’s desk and pretend like nothing happened when she gets back:


6. Don’t post entire story on blog that your suitemate will later read.  Sorry Beth!  (Don’t tell Michael…)

And that’s what you do when you accidentally spill water on the handwritten card for your suitemate from her boyfriend. (: