Eggs in all forms

Today was a success as we started off with an egg bar. It was classified as an egg bar due to the fact that there was a large goose stretching around the room with egg shaped chairs. Really- here it is:

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Here is MG and me on the goose head:

The egg bar, being on the 32 floor of a building had a great view of Nantes:

(note the fried eggs painted on top of some of the buildings… kind of funny!)


We then made our way to lunch at a Creperie where MG and I both had delicious galettes (meal crepes) followed by raspberry crepes for dessert. MG, who hates eating warm fruit, forgot that raspberries are a fruit and crepes are warm, but she was a trooper and enjoyed it anyways.

(side note by MG: I actually did not forget that raspberries are a fruit because I am not an idiot, but did not think about the fact that the jam inside would in fact be warm [so maybe I am an idiot… who knows].  The crepe was good but since it was warm fruit and I was super full from the meal crepe, Tim ended up finishing mine.)

After enjoying our eggs in crepe form, we proceeded to have an afternoon free to enjoy anything that Nantes had to offer us… which was not a bathroom or “toilettes”. We learned that knowing how to ask, “Do you have a bathroom” or “Where is the bathroom” does not automatically make the store have a bathroom. To make the story short, we found one, but it took 45 minutes. Oh well. (side note by MG: I almost peed myself on the streets on Nantes during this process…) Other highlights of the day included Japanese gardens, a machine elephant, a rainbow, more eggs, a metro in boat form… well, just take a look:

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My final delightful dose of eggs came from the Delight cafe where I ordered a quiche for dinner.DSC_0188

The Delight happened to be a wonderful choice as multiple employees quickly realized that their rapid french was lost on us. One particularly nice employee explained to us how the ordering work at the cafe and helped us through the process. It was quite a relief. Even the cashier was quite nice. He asked (in English), “Do you need a napkin? Well, I’m sure you don’t need one, but I’ll give it to you, I’m sure you’re clean…” I think he didn’t want to offend me by saying that I needed a napkin, but it was much appreciated.

With that, our group closed off our evening with gilotto and chocolat chaud (hot chocolate). Any night ending in chocolate is a good one in my book.