We’re Still Alive

Things have been relatively normal around here for the past month or so (can you believe that?) so we haven’t had much to blog about.  After several nights of willing ourselves to stay up past 8pm, and doing this around 7: DSC_0842 we overcame the jetlag and moved on with life.  The most exciting thing that’s happened has probably been the time I accidentally knocked the shower curtain down and it took everyone in our suite to get the darn thing up again. 

The semester is flying by and the 100 days until graduation mark has come and gone.  We’re dealing with the impending separation like true adults- pretending it’s not happening and attempting to never talk about it.  Denial is working for us for the time being.

This past weekend Gretchen and I each had separate adventures- me in Pittsburgh and Gretch at home.  Keeping with the “being adults” theme, I got my ears pierced (I may have panicked slightly before it actually happened…) and she risked her life ice climbing.  I think it’s clear who the more adventurous roomie is. (ME.) 😉

We’ll part ways again in a few hours for ‘spring break’ so who knows what shenanigans will go down.  Hopefully we’ll have much more to post when we get back.

Splitting up ‘The Pair’ (Part 2)

(If you haven’t read part 1, it’s below and you should check that out first.)

So, as Gretchen said we were split up this morning.  I had major separation anxiety.  Just kidding, I was fine.  While she was living it up at the vet school, I was living it up at the mall.  After an hour of tram hopping, we ended up in Atlantis.  First stop… FOOD.  (If I come back with like 155 extra pounds, you’ll also know why, haha.)  We found a café with a student discount, meaning we got a sandwich, a pastry, and a drink for 4€.  SCORE.  It was so yummy… and this is coming from someone who always forgets that sandwiches are a thing and are sometimes good.DSC_0606

We then shopped around a little bit.  Can I just say… French clothes fit so weirdly.  And I had no idea what sizes I wore in the European sizing.  This led to the discovery that I am really bad at looking at something and knowing if it would be even close to fitting.  (Or maybe I really have gained 155 pounds from all the nutella, crepes, and other various foods and just haven’t looked in a mirror lately, haha.  I’m kidding.  I think.)

After our shopping ventures, I had my first Ikea experience.DSC_0611

It was pretty awesome, not going to lie.  It’s unfortunate that it took a transatlantic flight for me to get to a store that is a mere 3 hour drive from my home, ha.

This was also Brendon and Luke’s first Ikea experience, so we documented it.DSC_0609DSC_0608

When Gretchen said we had an epic afternoon after being reunited, she was lying to you.  We had a very short lecture on Normandy in preparation for our visit there tomorrow, and then we watched a movie on the ‘Machines of D-Day.’  Let’s just say that was a struggle for me to remain conscious for.  Then we watched the first 20 minutes of Saving Private Ryan.  Let’s just say that was a struggle for me to remain composed for.  I want to bawl every time I see that.  And I NEVER cry (unless it’s of laughter) so that’s saying something.

Anyway, we had a spaghetti dinner at the study center and then cleaned the houses since we’re leaving tomorrow for the next part of our trip.  Gretchen and I were put on 3rd floor bathroom cleaning duty.  Let me tell you… cleaning with French cleaning products is difficult because you have no idea what product is for what surface.  We may have mopped with toilet bowl cleaner… I really have no idea.  This also may have happened:


If you’re wondering, “is Mary Grace wearing a… toga?”  The answer is yes.  Here’s why… I had to use bleach and I really didn’t want to ruin any of the clothes that I brought here because none of them are crappy cleaning clothes.  I looked around my room and tried to decide what would be the best course of action to avoid a bleach disaster. My decision was to use my sheet like a toga.  This decision was working out great, and would have been fine, except that as I was cleaning the toilet in my toga, one of our professors walked up the stairs to check on the cleaning.  The only thing I could think to say was, “Um… when you have me in class next semester… please just don’t remember this moment.” So embarrassing.

You can’t really see Gretchen’s awesome cleaning outfit in either of these pictures, but I assure you it was a sight to be seen, haha.DSC_0618

Welp… tomorrow is another early morning so we can get on the bus to head out to Normandy.  I’m wondering how close to 6:45 I can wake up and still make it to the bus in time.  6:42 is sounding pretty good right now.  I’ll let you know how that plan shakes out next time I post, haha.  Au revoir!

Thanksgiving Break

So, while Gretchen and I suffer extreme separation anxiety (this break is the longest we’ve been apart in almost 3 months… I get panic-y when we’re apart for 2 days… what are we going to do for 10?!) you should check this blog out.  It’s definitely funnier than anything we could think up to post while we’re apart.

I’m going to mentally prepare myself now… have a  FANTASTIC Thanksgiving!