
For the past week, MG has been telling me to, ‘Please just write SOMETHING on the blog!’. Well MG, I’ve done it. Okay- well, I suppose I’ll write more than something. This week was a crazy one, and I’m not sure it’s over yet. It was so crazy that I actually couldn’t keep track of what day it was. There were multiple times that I had to consciously repeat the date and time in my head so that I could remember my schedule… and even then, I still managed to forget on a number of occasions. (but I can’t really tell you when, because I’ve forgotten that too) I also had an unfortunate run-in with an ‘Entomology Party’ in the basement of the science building and was pressured into eating a chocolate-covered cricket. I guess it wasn’t really that unfortunate though, because chocolate has the power to overcome most awful things. It can make crickets and even stress palatable. As you can imagine, the stress level of our room has been a little high lately. On one particular evening this week, I was standing at MG’s desk and we were talking about all of the things we had to do. MG was leaning on me while sitting at her desk. Because I’m such a good friend, I abruptly decided to walk away and MG fell out of her desk chair. Feeling a little remorseful, I tried to pull her back up into a sitting position onto her chair from the floor. We were both laughing to the point of tears during the struggle when MG yells, “This isn’t working! My butt is stuck in the chair prongs!!” Chair prongs. Not chair legs. Chair prongs. Of course this didn’t help my effort as I was now laughing without hope of rescuing MG’s butt from the prongs.  Eventually she freed herself and it’s a good thing. Carrying a chair around on your butt isn’t exactly in style. At least not yet.

I’m Procrastinating. Again.

Hello everyone.  (And by ‘everyone’ I actually mean our parents, sisters, and possibly Connor….aka the only people who check our blog, ha.)  Things have been pretty insane for the occupants of West392a since getting back from break.  We’ve been frantically studying and writing papers as the semester comes to a close.  We’ve also been periodically blowing off steam by laughing to the point of tears over things that aren’t really that funny, planning our Christmas party, and watching Ellen videos on YouTube.  All in an attempt to maintain some sanity.  If you’ve seen or heard from either of us this week, we’ll let you be the judge regarding the effectiveness of our attempts.

Oh, and Gretchen did this, because she’s ridiculous:
If you’re sitting there thinking, ‘…Did Gretchen really make a human karyotype out of sour gummy worms?’ Yes… yes she did.  To quote her, “Chromosomes were never this delicious!  Speaking of… let me get some out.  Of my GENOMIC LIBRARY!”  Oh dear… this is what I live with, people.  The puns never end.

When I get some free time, I do intend to update about the hilarity that ensued at my family Thanksgiving, and I think Gretchen has another post regarding our suitemate’s attempts to resuscitate our fish after we neglected him for 10 days over break.  Hopefully that will all happen soon, but no promises.

All in all, we are surviving, but there hasn’t been much time for blogging.  Stay tuned though… school stress can’t last forever.  I hope.