Another Perspective

Tim has graciously agreed to guest post and share another perspective on our trip to France… enjoy!

I am honored to be able to guest post on this blog. As you may or may not already know, I have also had the wonderful opportunity to go on the trip to France as a fulfillment of the Modern Civilization intercession course. The past two weeks have been a series of laughs, riddles, inside jokes, and adventure. After Mary Grace told me that I could guest post, I have been contemplating how to write it, so here it goes.

To start off, I am glad that I was able to go on the France trip with Gretchen and MG. It was an amazing time to be able to see all of the places we traveled to as well as explore some of France on our own time. Even in the 12 days we had, I feel like we made hundreds of memories and took even more pictures. From card games at the study center to snowball fights at the Louvre, the trip kept getting better and better.

But along with all of the fun memories came some embarrassing and crazy ones also. As MG alluded to in a previous post one of the embarrassing moments happened at the cathedral in Angers when MG and Gretchen tried to mimic a statue- unsuccessfully, as the video below shows.

Another time earlier, while we were eating at a fine creperie with the whole group we discovered that the dessert candy wrappers were slightly transparent.  This caused us to use them like monocles, which probably looked pretty crazy to the other French people.


Then in Guerande when we were touring the wall around the city there was some controversy over the color of MG’s eyes.  This resulted in some serious picture taking, which looked pretty funny, although I’m not sure if it even resolved the debate.


Then when I tried to take a picture of Brendon, MG decided to randomly put her face in front of my camera which turned into a blurred close-up of her.

While we were waiting for food at a restaurant, Gretchen decided to test out her skills with a knife by using one to solve a word search on the place mat at the table.


This next picture is a good representation of an accumulation of habits we had in France. First off, it is the cartoon setting on my phone camera which I was testing out, which is why it looks the way it does. Yet it still captures how we always took pictures of any food/drink we ordered, and how we always took forever to get the exact change to effectively split the bill, since French restaurants didn’t do it for us.


Then there’s the time when we were just bored on an escalator and decided to pose for the mirror on the side.

There were also some nice and relaxing times, like when we acted out the royal history between the region of Brittany and France.

And when we marveled at the Eiffel Tower as it glowed in the snowfall at night.

Or when we were just drawing some pictures on the bus in between cities. The first is a portrayal of a small town at night, and the other is a sunset. Which picture is better? Guess who drew the better picture?
Night sky in rural  Gretch's Sunset

So, I hope I was able to partially capture some of our fun, crazy, and embarrassing pictures and videos on the journey. Gretchen and MG have already done a fantastic job in showing a majority of the highlights, but I hope this helps to add a different side to things. So, as the French would say, “Au revoir” or “Adieu.”