Serpentine Saga

Mary Grace has already shared my love of chocolate, but let me tell you that the intense delight I feel walking into a Chocolate Shop is rivaled by the joy of Mary Grace in The Dollar Tree. She loves it. Each time we approach the doors I see a gleam in her eye and I wonder what in the world we will walk back out with. Past trips have included pineapple sunglasses, a bow and arrow set, and (most regrettably) a noise making plastic gun. Granted, I am as cheap as the come, but MG’s dollars are mostly well spent. Last week we told you to stay tuned. Your devotion will be rewarded with an explanation of that odd picture of me standing over our bathtub.

It all began with the purchase of a growing snake that claimed to expand up to 600% its original size in 96 hours. We were skeptical of this claim and decided to try it out.

We knew we needed to document the snake’s growth to prove the claim, so here is Day 1:

Now, you may be wondering, “Why the bathtub?”. Well, we had grand expectations for the growth of the snake and we didn’t want to cramp his style. We were also feeling devious. Here is our attempt at a devious face. (We may need to practice those…)

The bathtub idea was a little concerning for our suitemates, because they now had to share the shower with a snake. This entailed removing the snake, draining his growth medium, and then replacing our growing pet in fresh water. Although the snake had his first 96 hours in the bathroom, his constant removal and replacement hindered his growth. MG’s solution of a plastic bin under her bed turned out to be brilliant: (notice his progress!)

The snake (who remains nameless) stayed under MG’s bed for a good 4 more days, and has certainly succeeded in becoming 6xs his original size! Here MG attempts to show us that the snake is as long as her leg. If you look closely, you can see that she is actually falling in her attempts to stretch out the snake:

Oh yes- the snake is made in Virginia. From now on we will expect great things VA. Keep it up.

MG was sad that the snake was outgrowing his home:

However, the sadness quickly turned into laughter when MG fell into the bathtub. #coordinated

Don’t worry, there’s more. The last day the snake was in the bathtub was a Monday. On Mondays, our bathroom is cleaned by a College employee by the name of Ruthann. Now in our rush to get to the post office that morning, MG and I had forgotten to move our stuff out of the bathroom. Unfortunately for Ruthann, this week our stuff included a snake in the bathtub. When we got back to the room, the snake was thrown on our bathroom shelf and the tub was clean. We both felt pretty bad about this and hoped that we hadn’t accidentally scared her.

This week we made a point to apologize to Ruthann. Thankfully she was cool with it. She said, “I have bath toys too.”  Whew- that was a close one.

P.S. The snake is still under MG’s bed. We have future plans for him…