Throwin’ It Back.

A common misconception is that Gretchen and I have been roommates all 4 years of college. In actuality we weren’t roommates until sophomore year, and in fact weren’t even really friends during freshman year. We refer to this as the year of missed opportunities. Actually, that is a complete lie… I just made that phrase up 30 seconds ago. But anyway… here is what I believe to be the first picture of Gretchen and I in existence:image

What a gem. This was taken at the chem show freshman year, just moments after our group’s experiment (which was flawless during rehearsal) majorly failed and we were left awkwardly standing on the stage unsure of what to do.  The goggles, beakers, and looks of complete confusion actually seem quite fitting to our college experience.  I would also like to point out the fact that we are matching… another uncanny representation of our shared experience here.  Although, this particular day the matching was not an accident, as it is every other time.

So, now we’re ‘Back and Better Than Ever’ and based on this picture, I’d say that’s a really good thing.

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